Sunday, August 1, 2010

More Speed and More Stamina

Wow, it has been a very long time since I last blogged. Not to worry. I have jogged quite a few times in the last 2 weeks, despite not writing about it.

In fact I've gotten in some amazing jogs. I haven't been able to bust through the 2 mile limit I seem to have yet but I am really doing some good stuff with those 2 miles. I have more speed and more stamina which makes me happy! woooooooooo!

I'm also back to hiking. I've missed hiking. It is probably my favorite form of exercise ever. I've just been nervous about reaggravating my old back injury. Jogging sure helped that, despite the fact that my doctor really hates that I jog. Bad for the joints, she says.

But I love it. I love that feeling of just pushing through and the way you feel when you get into a rhythm.

Now I only have a little over 2 months to get to 3.1 miles but I think I'm well on my way.

Go me!

Friday, July 16, 2010

So Awesome!

I got out of the show early and still had enough light to go for a jog and for some reason I had a ton of energy. I did about 1.75 miles in the neighborhood at more of a jog and less than a walk.

So in 32 minutes I did close to two miles. Yay! And I jogged most of it. When I walked it was not as often and not as long.

Feels good to be getting ahead, even with all the issues and the blazing heat. The sun was setting and I could feel heat radiating off the blacktop like a furnace. Ugh!

Probably won't get another good one in Until next week unless I can get out Sunday.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Slightly Better

Yesterday and today I just jog/walked the neighborhood. I did about 1.5 miles each day so that's ok. I just needed to get out and do something, even if I'm currently unable to jog a mile consistently right now.
I did some hills too. I like jogging up the hills but even walking down a slight grade just jars my knees and makes them feel like they lock up. I want to train myself to slowly jog the gentle declines by October but we will see. If I have to walk down the hills and slopes I'll do it to save my knees.
I like my knees.
So far I've been using my ijog app in the neighborhood and I really like it. It seems pretty spot on in regards to distance. I compared yesterday's jog with an online map and it was the same so I'm going with spot on. I'm hoping the "calories burned" is good for my body too. I like burning almost 200 calories in one 30 minute jog/walk.
Tuesday's are off and Wednedsay is my last jog before I start stage managing. I'm hoping to fit in some quick jogs but stage managing is a giant time suck...sure it is a fun one but it is a time suck nonetheless.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


I'm so not happy! My piece of crap body is going backwards. I tried to jog a mile today and only made it 880m before my leg started hurting so bad it felt like it was on fire and I had to stop and walk or physically collapse.
I'm so annoyed. At least I jog/walked 2 miles overall. But I should be doing better by now.

I REFUSE to let my crappy body rule me. I'd rather die from jogging than from not doing anything.

I have a doctor's appointment to check on the swelling in my legs and these weird burning pains but I don't have any faith or respect for doctors. I've found that they usually think whatever they want and don't bother to look at symptoms or genetics. Boy I loathe doctors.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Back to it

Man, I'm totally falling apart. So many health issues. Still, I refuse to let my crappy body control my desire to get back into some semblance of shape.

I went out Monday night but took it slow since I'd been off for a week. It was nothing exciting. Tonight was a nice neighborhood jog/walk. I'm pretty sure I managed to do a total of 2 miles because I've been timing myself while at the track. That way when I'm street jogging I have a time to compare.

I forgot to use my fancy new jogging app to time my miles though. Darn. When I'm at the track I don't need it and I haven't really done anything but the track in such a long time.

Right now my back hurts a little too much. Hopefully by taking time off tomorrow I'll be fine.

I'll hit that 5k. Oh yes, I will!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Argh! So Annoying.

I'm so not feelin' it.
I went out last night but jogged a super slow mile and had a lot of issues.
First off I got in a decent 440 but then I had to stop and fix my sock and shoe which ruined my whole "jog without stopping" method.
I just decided to keep on going. I made it a mile in 18 minutes which is ridiculously slow but at least it was almost non-stop.
Still, after that mile I walked a while then ran a 220 and had to stop because it felt like the bottoms of my feet were on fire and my legs were sponges.
So annoying. I want to keep consistently jogging. At this rate I won't get to 3.1 miles though.
I can't figure out why my legs feel so weird all the time or why my back still makes my legs twinge.
I'm thinking I'll take this week off. I have a lot of stuff going on and maybe I just don't need to be thinking of jogging.
Double sigh.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday Nights

Well, I took 3 days off and decided not to push it too much. Fridays are just so good for getting a nice jog in. I did do some faster jogs though so that made me happy and I was able to do the first 440 in slightly under 4 minutes which made me thrilled.
For some reason my ankles are swollen so I didn't want to push it too much. Its really annoying. How I wish I'd stayed in shape and not let myself go for 5 years.
But I'm on my way back. I may never be like I was in my 20s but I WILL jog that entire 5K.