Sunday, May 30, 2010

School is Out - Here I Come, 440 Track

Went to the track today. I managed to jog walk a mile in about 20 minutes which I find amazing. For some reason those numbers just seem too fast. I mean, the fastest I've ever done a mile was in 8 minutes and that was many, many, many years ago, when I was young and in good shape.
Still, 20 minutes. That makes me happy. I went to the track because I hoped it wouldn't be crowded now that school is out. Just some guys playing soccer is all. Oh, and blinding sun. Nothing like blinding sun to almost ruin a good jog.
I did a few 220s which was really helpful. I've only been doing blocks while jogging the neighborhood so I have no time and distance specifics. Now I know I can at least do a solid 220 with my new jogging heels touching the track.
Yay! I'm hoping tomorrow I can get in another good round of track jogging.

Friday, May 28, 2010

I'm Back!

So the goal was to update this after every jog. Then I quit jogging so when I finally got back into it I totally forgot ot blog it.
Well, here's the scoop! Was down for a few weeks for various reasons but in that time I saw something about people who run barefoot. They land midfoot instead of on the heel. I figured I'd give it a try and it has improved my running and speed but it feels funny.
So far I've been out twice this week. I can't listen to music right now because so much concentration goes into making sure I'm jogging properly.
Who knew it took such intense concentration to jog?
Anyway, I'll try to keep updating. I'm still only at about 25 minutes jog/walk alternating.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Increasing the Distance

Got in an almost 30 minute jog/walk tonight. I went out later than normal and it was pretty nice to not have the sun in my eyes. I'm also doing pretty good at increasing the jogging distance although I am doing something that tweaks the bottom part of my left pinky toe. Come on! I can't be derailed from jogging by a pinky toe.


Still gotta take it easy. Can't overdo it and end up with another injury. I'm really enjoying getting back to the pavement.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

1st Post...Clearly

I want to blog my return to jogging. I'm training for a 5K coming up in October. Yes, I know, 3.1 miles isn't really that far. I've run at least 10 miles...20 years ago that is.

Anyway, it has been a log time but I'm back in the game. And now I can let the world know how it is going.

So hello world!